apec1.gif (1822 bytes)Decisions of Administrative or Quasi-judical Agencies - Other Deceptive or Obviously Unfair Conducts-2009

  1. Far Eastern International Bank violated the Fair Trade Law by unlawfully collecting penalty fees for mortgage payoff
  2. Asia Pacific Telecom Co. Ltd. violated the Fair Trade Law by conducting in an untrue fee comparison and promotions advertisement on "Happy 888" package"
  3. Shin Tao Gas Pipeline Equipment Company violated the Fair Trade Law by improperly selling gas safety equipment in the pretext of gas safety inspections
  4. MassMutual Mercuries Life violated the Fair Trade Law by improperly collecting housing loan prepayment penalty
  5. Yuan Chih Real Estate Brokerage Ltd. engaged in deceptive conducts sufficient to affect the trading order by neglecting to inform the homebuyers the rights to select between Ministry of Interior Sample of the Offer Letter and negotiation deposit, their differences and substitutive relations
  6. Mr. Li and Huah Jenn Machine Co., Ltd. were alleged to violate the Fair Trade Law by improperly mailing warning letters

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