apec1.gif (1822 bytes)Decisions of Administrative or Quasi-judicial Agencies -Other Restrictive Business Practices-1996

  1. Violation of the Fair Trade Law by the Tie-in Sale of Advertisements of the Three Wireless Television Companies (Taiwan Television Enterprise, China Television Company, and Chinese Television System)
  2. Ho Chen Co., Ltd. ["the Company"] was complained for imposing restrictions on distribution channels in violation of the Fair Trade Law
  3. Violation of the Fair Trade Law by China Steel Chemical Corporation's Sales of Anhydrous Coke
  4. Violation of the Fair Trade Law by Automobile Companies' Establishing Insurance Agencies to Monopolize Automobile Insurance Market
  5. Chin Ch'i E [translated as and hereinafter "Golden Penguin"] Tapes Ltd.'s was complained for using the trademark "Ch'i E [Chinese for "Penguin"] in violation of the Fair Trade Law
  6. Kaohsiung Architects' Association was sanctioned in violation of the Fiar Trade Law for circulating a letter among its members enclosing a list of engineers who were blacklisted in notices and for advising members to scrutinize engineers
  7. Chang Hua Doctors Association of Chinese Medicine held a meeting to set a uniform price on out patient registration fee as NT$50
  8. Sugar consuming companies requested to formulate a policy for fair sugar prices and to revoke the monopoly of Taiwan Sugar Corp. over import of granulated sugar
  9. Violation of the Fair Trade Law involved in the case where the application of Yung Ch'u Co., Ltd. and Yuan Hsiang Warehouse Co., Ltd. to set up a express delivery zone was rejected
  10. Fei Pao Co. Ltd. was complained for impeding fair competition by sending letters to urge other enterprises to discontinue buying goods from a specific enterprise with the intent to causes harm to such particular enterprise

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