apec1.gif (1822 bytes)Decisions of Administrative or Quasi-judicial Agencies -Counterfeiting Commodities or Trademark-2000

  1. Taiwan Tina Enterprise Co., Ltd. violated Article 20(1)(i) of the Fair Trade Law by using the Hey-Song Sarsaparilla product's container, appearance, pattern and color, commonly known to the relevant public, on the Mr. Zebra Salty Sarsaparilla product, causing confusion
  2. Complaint against Tung Chen Sun-Rise Enterprise Co., Ltd. for pirating design of an air gun and taking advantage of the commercial reputation of another firm in violation of the Fair Trade Law
  3. A complaint alleging I-Siang Beverage Mfg. Co., Ltd. counterfeited the packaging appearance of Mr. Brown Coffee in violation of the Fair Trade Law
  4. Complaint that Ya Chou Securities Ltd., Co. and Kuo Hua Advertising Ltd., Inc. used the phrase "Flourishing 2000" in the media in violation of the Fair Trade Law

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