Competition Policies/Laws


In parallel with the process of creating a healthy competition environment in Vietnam, Competition Law was passed by the tenth Congress of National Assembly at its sixth section on November 09, 2004.

After more than ten years of enforcement, in order to enhance the effectiveness of competition law enforcement and in-line with international best practies, Viet Nam had revised and amended the Competition law 2004 by the Cometition Law 2018. The revised Competition Law 2018 had officially been passed through on Session 5 of the 14th Nation Assembly meeting held on June 12, 2018 and took effect since the first July 2019.

The revised Competition Law 2018 consists of 10 chapters and 118 articles. Of those, there are provisions on competition restraining agreements; economic concentration; unfair competive practices; competition legal proceedings; measures for delaing with breaches of competion law; management of competion on state level.