Fair Trade Law's Regulation Relating to Vertical Restraint Practices of Distribution Business


Some discussions pertaining the unfair competition have been triggered currently, which was conducted by down stream distributors using their predominant market places to conflict with suppliers upon trade. Therefore, this research is focused on whether the large size distributor, under having in control of certain channel right is abused of predominant market place, and possibly imposed unfair competition toward small-medium size manufacturers. In order to realizing the trade partners' mutual viewpoint towards trade restraint, it is necessary to carry out reality calling interview and questionnaire for suppliers. Congregating analysis of practical happenings island wise is basically reacted to clear up the impact for large size distributors' vertical restraint to unfair competition.

The research is supposed to come up the result as following: self-regulation should be heavier than that of law-regulation, process-regulation should be heavier than that of reality-regulation, and construction-regulation should be heavier than that of behavior-regulation in link with regulation on vertical competition restraint for down stream vs. upper stream. Nonetheless, exceptionally law-regulation could be forcefully slugged into the related trade relations. There are two ways of putting this concept into formulating law-regulation: process-regulation and reality-regulation.