A Study on Competitive Regulation of Telecom Industry


Chinese Taipei has liberated its telecommunication industry since 1996, and in the meantime, deregulated the original cross-industry restrictions on the cable TV and telecoms, with the objective to create a fair competition environment. This study focuses on the economic characteristics, development trend, regulatory structure, and the impacts of cross-industry regulation of the telecoms industry. Some of the findings are as follow.

  1. The future trend of Fair Trade Law and Telecoms Law is to ensure fair competition in the telecoms industry.
  2. With the wave of industry convergence, the Fair Trade Law, a general discipline for competition law and the Telecoms Law, a specific legislative regulating on the industry, should provide multi-faceted yet consistent mechanisms for fair competition.
  3. It is suggested that Fair Trade Commission should prevent the monopolization behavior in the telecoms industry, that the remedies resorts should satisfy timely justice requirements, and that implementation and new types of merge and combination should be identified.